<aside> ✅ You don’t need to know how to code, just follow the steps below.


[Video Tutorial coming soon]

Step 1: Prepare the Google Sheet

  1. Place your order data in a Google Sheet. Let’s assume the sheet name is "Orders" and the data starts from the first row (with headers: Order Number, Item Name, Order Status). Here’s an example.
  2. Give your sheet a title (tab on the bottom left corner). Make sure this is simple and you can reference later (if you have gaps, use underscores e.g. sheet_title).

CleanShot 2024-08-28 at 12.47.04@2x.png

Step 2: Create the Google Apps Script

  1. Open Google Sheets.
  2. Go to Extensions > Apps Script.
  3. Open ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini etc and paste the following: I would like you to help me write a google app script that accepts my input request [e.g. Order numbers] and returns a JSON response with the corresponding output [e.g. Order status]. For reference for the layout of my data, I’ve attached/provided a link/provided a sample of my Google Sheet. Here’s an example of the structure i’d like you to follow… [Paste the code below].
  4. Delete any code in the script editor and paste the script you got back from the AI tool.

Step 3: Deploy the Script as an API

  1. Click Deploy > Test deployments.
  2. Select New deployment > Web app.
  3. Set a description (e.g., "Order Status API").